
[ 編集者:計画推進・評価部(グローバル化・SDGs推進担当課)2024年11月18日更新]

国連の採用基準 "UN Competency Framework" に基づいた体系的な編成。

必修 選択 科目名 キーワード
基礎科目 講義科目 International Public Policy グローバル・ガバナンス、アドボカシー、多様なアクター、法の支配、パートナーシップ、ビジネス
Management of International Organizations 国際組織の設立、使命、組織、統治、計画、人事、予算、資金調達の実際
Global Sustainable Development SDGs、地球規模課題の概観とその解決法、グローバル目標達成法、貧困・格差削減、コンセンサス形成過程、国際開発促進への国連の役割
実践科目 演習科目Ⅰ Seminar in Diplomacy, Peace and Security 日本および世界が直面する政治・外交上の課題解決へのアプローチと国連平和維持・構築、安全保障に関する演習
Seminar in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Principles 国際人権法・人道法の適用、人権に基づいた開発アプローチ、条約履行、監視、人道法、人道支援の枠組みに関する演習
Seminar in Global Communication スピーチ、プレゼン、広報戦略、マルチメディア、国連英語、ワークショップ、説得的コミュニケーション
1科目選択 Seminar in Global Environmental Policy 気候変動の予防・適応、地球温暖化、環境政策、COP、Climate Action
Seminar in Global Diversity ジェンダー、インクルーシブネス、多文化、多言語、多宗教
演習科目Ⅱ Career Seminar for International Organizations コンピテンシー、キャリア、自己評価、能力構築プラン、空席公募、応募書類作成、面接訓練
Seminar in Multilateral Negotiation 交渉、仲裁、調停、会議運営、コンセンサス形成、プロトコル
Research Project in the United Nations 国連および国連の特定課題の研究。ケーススタディ中心。例:紛争と援助
Research Project in Foreign Affairs 外交および外交の特定課題の研究。例:人間の安全保障
Internship in the United Nations and Diplomatic Institutions 国連、国際NGO、外務省、JICA、JBIC、国際交流基金等政府系組織でのインターン


International Public Policy(国際公共政策論)

This course provides a unique opportunity to review and analyze global “policy cycle” that consists “agenda generation”, “appraisal”, “formulation”, “implementation” and “evaluation”, focusing on key elements for reforming international organizations in the context of the United Nations system at large. A number of policy makers and managers are actively involved in bringing about important changes seen through the “Sustainable Development Goals” and the “UN reform”. The process is better understood and clarified on the basis of making a set of broad generalizations of global policy development and management. The course is to explore the opportunities of change and a range of concerns of the major stakeholders in an international arena for governance, ownership, and participation in an international development policy cycle. The course will be taught by UN and other international practitioners and experts with long experience in those areas.

Management of International Organizations(国際組織運営論)

This course aims at helping graduate students understand how international organizations are managed, with the UN and its agencies as examples. It will review managerial dimention of international organizations from many perspectives including defining mandate; governance mechanisms; the secretariat; strategy and programme development; budget formulation and resource mobilization; latest topics such as evaluation of organizational effectiveness, transparency and accountability, and means of implementation for Sustainable Development Goals. The course will be taught by senior UN and other international practitioners and experts, so that students will be able to learn the latest and practical issues surrounding management of international organizations. Students will leave the course better informed and parepared to work with the UN and other international organizations.

Global Sustainable Development(国際開発論)

This course focuses on global development agenda--an important transition from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing on complex implementation aspects of SDGs, which contains 17 goals and 169 targets adopted by the UN's 193 member states in 2015. Some of the key features of SDGs that differentiate them from MDGs include (i) emphasis on no one being left behind; (ii) concerns all, both developing and developed countries; (iii) expanding scope from poverty reduction to sustainable development; (iv) inclusion of human rights, peace and security, etc. which were included in the Millennium Declaration of 2000 but not in the MDGs; and (v) identifying the means of implementation for each goal. A wide range of means of implementation is outlined. The course will discuss how the global consensus was built, how feasible SDGs are, what strategies will be used for their achievement, and what are major stakeholders' interests and their engagment. The course will be taught by UN and other international practitioners and experts with hands-on experience in development.

Seminar in Diplomacy, Peace and Security(外交・平和・安全保障演習)

This seminar provides graduate students with practical opportunities to examine and discuss various international political issues pertaining to Japan and the international community, including first and foremost the United Nations. Topics will cover such contemporary issues of international agenda as multipolar world order; East Asia and its geopolitical implications; principles of Japanese and multilateral diplomacy; Collective Security System of the UN; Responsibility to Protect and Human Security; UN Reform; Disarmament and Non-Proliferation; etc. Presentations by the experts and practioners and discussions with them will deepen understanding of the students on the issues of international politics and Japanese diplomacy.

Seminar in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Principles (国際人権人道演習)

This seminar aims at making graduate students fully conversant with international human rights laws and humanitarian principles, mechanisms to ensure those globally agreed standards and treaties, and how they are applied in practice, particularly in areas and social segments where human rights abuses are widely practiced or humanitarian principles are not fully applied, such as during conflict and post-conflict periods, among excluded or abused populations including refugees, minorities and the extremely poor, or after natural disasters and other major crises. The course will also review conceptual application of these standards such as the UN's Rights Up Front initiative and Human Rights-based Programming, as well as use of these legal framework and treaties in advancing human rights and principled approach to humanitarian actions. The course will be taught by UN and other international practitioners and experts with long experience in those areas, so that students will be able to learn from real-life cases and hands-on experience.

Seminar in Global Communication (グローバル・コミュニケーション演習)

This seminar aims at making graduate students fully equipped with knowledge and skills on global communication principles; channels and tools; assessment of communication needs; development of communication strategies; advocacy and persuasive communication processes; presentation and public speaking; UN English writing standards and house style; branding and marketing principles; use of latest technologies and social media, as well as on how to handle media interviews and other public relations opportunities. The seminar will be taught by senior UN and other international practitioners and experts, so that students will be able to learn the latest practical skills from hands-on global communication experience and best practices.

Seminar in Global Environmental Policy(グローバル環境政策演習)

This course provides an overview of global environmental issues including those related to 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), climate change, global warming and mitigation of their impact and adaptation, and reviews the global consensus building process on environmental issues such as UNFCC COP and the implementation of internationally agreed goals and policies. The course will focus on how the UN and other international institutions contribute to consensus building and formulate their own strategies, medium term plans and programmes, and work with national partners in developing policies and programmes in implementing urgent and longer term climate action.

Seminar in Global Diversity(グローバル多様性演習)

This seminar aims at making graduate students fully knowledgeable of various types of global diversity such as gender, culture, race, religion, nationality, and disability. It will also equip students with principles and standards, as well as inclusive and appreciative attitudes, and global best practices of respecting diversity and institutionalizing diversity-friendly policies and mechanisms. The course draws heavily from real-life and hands-on case studies for well nuanced analysis and decision, as well as standardadized training used by the United Nations system in strengthening the UN's core value of Respect for Diversity among staff. The course will be taught by UN and other international practitioners so that students will develop attitudes and behavior in line with global standards.

Career Seminar for International Organizations(国際機関キャリア演習)

This course aims at enabling graduate students, who wish to seek international civil service as their future career, understand UN Competency Framework and possible career paths, assess their own competencies, and make personal competency development plans for their continued career development after graduation. Career development professionals, mentors and external advisors give advice, comments and support for revising the plan and realising it successfully. Today's leaders are expected to have an ability to thoroughly analyze as well as communicate persuasively with clarity. This course will enhance the capacity of each student to present himself/herself well in both public and private settings. Customized/smaller workshops are developed for students to improve their presentation skills and prepare for competency-based and other types of interviews. High quality CV writing, (to review concise policy relevant letters linking the course of Seminar in Global Communication(国連コミュニケーション演習), handling negotiations, networking, etc. are included. The course's resource persons provide a simulated roadmap of career plans based upon their experiences as a frame of reference.

Seminar in Multilateral Negotiation(多国間交渉演習)

This seminar will make gradutate students fully familiar with the UN and multilateral diplomacy's tools for conducting negotiations and dispute settlement. Mailnly focusing on the peace making strategy of Chapter VI of the UN Charter, including such means as negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means. The experts in the field of peace making from the governments, international organizations will argue concrete methodology, assese cases of such diplomatic endeavours and discuss with the students. This peace making lessons will be quite useful for the future diplomats and UN officers.

Research Project in the United Nations(国連特別課題研究)

This research project is a case study-oriented course that provides an excellent opportunity for thinking about research issues, obtaining feedback on drafts, and critiquing colleagues' work. After going through a number of case studies regarding international issues, students will familiarize themselves with relevant literature, organized thinking, identifying and evaluating courses of action including developing recommendations and project/programme proposals (ex. conflict and post conflict development, participation, local government vs central government, gender, etc.).

Research Project in Foreign Affairs(外交特別課題研究)

This research project is a case study-oriented course foucusing on concrete diplomatic issues of Japan and provides an excellent opportunity for nurturing critical and constructive thinking about research topics, obtaining feedback on drafts, and critiquing colleagues' work. After going through a number of case studies of Japanese diplomatic issues, such as past history, territorial disputes, constitutional restraints and security policy, lack of resource mobilization etc., students will familiarize themselves with relevant literature, organize thinking, and identify and evaluate a course of action including development of recommendations.

Internship in the United Nations and Diplomatic Institutions(国連・外交インターンシップ)

・Internship in the United Nations
The relevant UN/inter-governmental internships provide students with a practical opportunity to put skills they have learned in the course to test as well as to enhance their perspectives on the professional ground (new opportunities, substantive areas of interests, writing research papers, etc.) For recipient organizations, internships offer an opportunity to develop relationships with students who are bound for becoming professionals in the field of international development/affairs. Students are expected to take advantage of the immense network of the KGU alumni and faculty in the process of preparation. The allocation will be determined based upon needs/counseling (selection, placement, timing/duration, costs, etc.).

・Internship in Diplomatic Institutions
This internship programme provides students with a practical opportunity to learn skills and practices of diplomatic institutions, incliding the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, JICA, and the like so that they are able to compare theory they have learned and the practice on the ground. Students will thus familiarize themselves with the reality of the matter and enhance their motivation and perspectives towards their future professional goals (new opportunities, substantive areas of interests, writing research papers, etc.) Students are expected to take advantage of the network of the KGU alumni and faculty members in the process of preparation. The allocation will be determined based upon needs/counseling (selection, placement, timing/duration, costs, etc.).